Please Make Sure You Meet The Following Requirements Before Shiping The Goods Back for Replacement :

  • Before sending items for warranty service, please contact our support team on support@mobisparehub.com to find out all the details concerning your issue.
  • Return or replacement under warranty period shall be carried out by the company authorized personnel only. The details of service centers / support required are available at the company website www.mobisparehub.com or can connect customer care via whatsapp, email or sms.
  • Mobi Spare Hub shall not be liable for any loss, cost, expense, inconvenience or damage that may result from use or inability to use the product. Under no circumstances shall Mobi Spare Hub be liable for any loss, cost, expense, inconvenience or damage exceeding the purchase price of the product.
  • When you order and receive our product, please connect it to the motherboard of your handset and test it for perfect working. You can connect the Display to the motherboard without removing the front lamination. Just fit in the panel temporarily (without using any glues or another adhesive) and test the display thoroughly by turning on the Phone.
  • Warranty shall be void if product has failed under certain conditions / types (example: physical damage, misuse etc.) The product purchased is not used according to instructions given in the INSTRUCTION MANUAL, as determined by the authorized mobispare hub or company personnel.
  • The protective film and warranty seals on display should be intact. The protective film or warranty seal should not have any reposition traces.